ISK Student Council
The student council was set up in the school in 2003, offering a forum to discuss school issues, so that the ‘student voice’ could be heard.
The council is made up of twelve members. Two pupils, a boy and girl, are selected to represent each year. The pupils are elected in the first term and hold office for one year.
The Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, and Secretary are selected from the senior pupils on the council.
The council meets once every Tuesday at lunchtime. The members of the council meet regularly with pupils in their year to find out what issues they would like the council to deal with, they also report back to pupils on the council’s progress.
The Chairperson of the Council brings any proposals arising from the meetings to the Principal. In the past year the Council has been involved in developing a healthy eating policy in the school and the Council has also succeeded in providing more areas for students to store bags.
The Council has been involved in the development of a code of behaviour for the school.
The Council is important as it allows students have an input into school life and the development of school policy in areas which affect them.
Membership of the Council provides the students with life long skills and allows us to make a positive contribution to school life.